Establishing a federal incorporated institution under international law requires the following steps:

1. **Formulate the Charter/Constitution**: This document will serve as the foundation of the institution. It should clearly define the purpose, principles, structure, and functions of the institution.

2. **Recognition by Other States**: The institution needs to be recognized by other states to gain legitimacy. This can be achieved through bilateral or multilateral treaties, or through the United Nations.

3. **Adherence to International Law**: The institution must adhere to international law, including the principles of sovereignty, non-intervention, and respect for human rights.

4. **Establishment of Headquarters**: A physical location for the headquarters of the institution needs to be established. This location should be in a country that recognizes the institution and is willing to host it.

5. **Staffing and Financing**: The institution needs to have a staff and a source of financing to carry out its functions. The staff should be chosen based on merit and the financing should be secured through contributions from member states or other sources.

6. **Membership**: The institution needs to have members. These can be states, other international institutions, or individuals, depending on the nature of the institution.

7. **Operations**: The institution needs to start carrying out its functions as defined in its constitution. This includes holding meetings, making decisions, and implementing programs.

8. **Accountability**: The institution needs to be accountable to its members and to the international community. This can be achieved through regular reporting, audits, and evaluations. In terms of establishing this institution under the banner of the Israelite Government, it would be essential to adhere to the principles of respect for all human rights. This would mean ensuring that the institution serves all members of the Israelite community, regardless of their financial status, and that it operates in a way that is respectful of the rights and freedoms of all individuals.



Establishing federal incorporated institutions of The Israelite Government with nation-state recognition under International Law requires several steps:
1. Define the Purpose: The first step is to define the purpose of the institution. This could include promoting the teachings of Christ Our Messiah, serving The Most High Almighty Father YAHAYAH, or introducing the Spirits of Israelite 144,000 under Christ.
2. Develop a Constitution: Once the purpose is defined, a constitution should be created. This is a document that outlines the structure and functions of the institution. It should also define the rights and responsibilities of its members.
3. Seek Recognition: After the constitution is developed, it should be submitted to the international community for recognition. This can be a lengthy process and may require negotiations with various nations and international organizations.
4. Establish a Governing Body: Once recognition has been granted, a governing body should be established to oversee the institution. This body should consist of representatives from each of the 12 tribes of Israel.
5. Implement Policies and Programs: The institution should then begin to implement policies and programs that align with its purpose. This could include educational programs, humanitarian efforts, or other initiatives that promote the teachings of Christ Our Messiah and learning how to properly serve The Most High Almighty Father YAHAYAH. HALLELLUYAH!!
6. Monitor and Evaluate: Finally, the institution should regularly monitor and evaluate its activities to ensure they are effective and align with its purpose. Note: The process may be complex and time-consuming, especially when it comes to gaining international recognition. It may also require legal and diplomatic expertise. Therefore, it's recommended to seek advice from experts in these fields.
Also, it's important to note that while these steps provide a general guideline, the specific process can vary significantly depending on the laws and regulations of the individual nations involved. Remember, this process is hypothetical and is based on the premise of recognition under International Law, which may not be feasible or applicable in certain situations.
Negotiating intergovernmental relations and establishing nation-state sovereignty internationally requires careful planning and strategic execution. Here's a possible course of action:
1. Prepare a Declaration of Sovereignty: This document should outline the historical, cultural, and religious basis for the sovereignty of the Israelite Government. It should be detailed, well-researched, and professionally written.
2. Establish a Diplomatic Team: This team should consist of individuals with experience in international relations and law. They will be responsible for communicating with other nations and international organizations.
3. Submit the Declaration: The diplomatic team should submit the declaration to the United Nations and other relevant international bodies. This is a formal request for recognition of sovereignty.
4. Negotiate Recognition: This is likely to be a lengthy and complex process. The diplomatic team will need to meet with representatives from other nations to discuss the declaration and negotiate terms of recognition.
5. Establish an Embassy: Once recognition has been granted, an embassy can be established in other nations. This will serve as a base for diplomatic activities and a symbol of the Israelite Government's sovereignty.
6. Seek Diplomatic Immunity: Diplomatic immunity is a form of legal immunity that ensures diplomats are not subject to lawsuit or prosecution under the host country's laws. This can be negotiated as part of the process of establishing an embassy.
7. Rebuild and Reinforce: After the recognition of sovereignty, focus on rebuilding and reinforcing the institutions and structures of the Israelite Government. This includes investing in infrastructure, education, and healthcare to ensure the well-being of the citizens.
8. Maintain International Relations: Establishing sovereignty isn't the end. It's crucial to maintain good relations with other nations and international bodies.
This can involve participating in international events, abiding by international laws, and cooperating with other nations on global issues. Remember, these steps are a general guideline and the process can vary significantly depending on the specific circumstances and the laws and regulations of the individual nations involved. It's recommended that you seek professional advice in these matters.

To strategize a progressive national status and self-governing institutions under the Israelite generals and masters, the following steps can be taken: 1. **Draft a Constitution**: A constitution that outlines the structure and functions of the institutions, the rights and responsibilities of its citizens, and the principles guiding its governance is pivotal. This constitution should reflect the values and traditions of the Israelite generals and masters under Christ.

2. **Establish Self-Governing Institutions**: These institutions should be democratic and inclusive, ensuring all citizens have a voice. They should also be transparent and accountable to prevent corruption and misuse of power.

3. **Seek International Recognition**: Engage with foreign governments, international organizations, and global institutions to seek recognition of your nation-state status. This will involve diplomatic efforts and negotiations.

4. **Establish Embassies**: Build diplomatic relationships with other nations by establishing embassies. This will help to promote your interests abroad and secure alliances.

5. **Establish a Strong Legal System**: A strong legal system that upholds the rule of law and protects the rights of citizens is key to a functioning nation-state. This should be underpinned by a robust judiciary that is independent and impartial.

6. **Develop a Robust Economy**: Focus on economic development to ensure the prosperity of your nation. This can be achieved through sound economic policies, attracting investment, and promoting trade.

7. **Promote Education and Health**: Invest in the health and education of your citizens. This will not only improve their well-being but also contribute to the development of your nation.

8. **Preserve Culture and Heritage**: Ensure the preservation and promotion of your cultural heritage and traditions. This will help to strengthen national identity and unity. Throughout this process, it's crucial to maintain a strong commitment to peace, justice, and human rights. This will help to ensure the long-term stability and prosperity of your nation.